Personalized Classes

We will have daily English classes, but also geography, history as well as biology when we are exploring nature. They will be required to keep a journal of their daily adventures.

Tours and Sightseeing

Your child will be taken on several outings around the Jim Thorpe area, as well as trips to some Ivy League universities (Cornell). We will also visit Washington DC and tour the monuments and museums.

Outdoor Adventures and Immersion

We also will take your child out hiking, fishing, swimming and teach them several different sports. In addition, your child will get a chance to use their knowledge in the grocery store and restaurants, by ordering their own food and shopping.

Meet the Team


Sandy handles the Chinese end of the camp. She has a bachelor’s degree from Ningxia University and is a certified yoga instructor.


Dennis handles the American end of the camp. He has a PhD in Psychology and has been a teacher in China for over 7 years.

We spend our time between Shenzhen, China and Jim Thorpe, PA. We have been teaching together for almost 5 years. We have taught all ages of students from toddlers to adults with well over 10,000 hours of class time. We focus on fundamentals in the classroom and do the same in our camp. You child will be given a great opportunity to visit the United States and learn what they could only read about before. We are educators at heart and believe traveling and hands-on experiences are some of the best forms of learning. Your child will stay busy at our camp. We only admit a handful of campers each year. This gives us the opportunity to focus on each child for the full two weeks. No other camp can offer the same amount of time with their campers. We believe that a child needs to have five basic things in order to be able to learn and grow properly. At least 10 hours of sleep per night, a well-balanced diet, good personal hygiene, strong athletics and discipline. We will keep your child busy but will not overwhelm them.

We are a no electronics camp. This means that your child will need to leave all their devices back home. All contact will be through Sandy. Sandy will also take plenty of photos which will be sent to you each day. Your child is coming to our camp to experience America, not sit around and play on their phone or sleep. We are going to push them each day to have a fun time and learn as much as possible along the way.

What is required for my child to attend?

All campers must have been enrolled in our online classes for at least 6 months prior to enrolling in camp. We do this because we want both students and parents to understand our rules and methods. And we need to know the child’s English level. Campers must have a valid passport and get a US B1/B2 visa in order to attend camp in the United States. You will be required to purchase your child’s round-trip plane ticket as well. If they are coming from China, they must fly out of Shenzhen or Hong Kong airport as all campers must fly together as a group. There also must be one parent chaperone that accompanies the group. Passport and visa rules apply for them as well.

What else does my child need?

  • Traveler’s Medical Insurance

  • Full Medical Examination Report

  • Letter giving permission for us to give medical care for your child, as well as permission for them to travel with us.

  • All these documents must be translated into English and notarized.

What should my child bring?

No large checked suitcases or luggage allowed. Only backpacks that are carry-on approved are allowed. Electronic devices, games, toys, etc are not permitted. We want this to be an easy trip. We will give you a full packing list (scroll down on linked page) of everything they will need. We will also provide a lot of things once they arrive. Some of these items include: Camp T-shirt, hat, notebooks, pens, sunblock, bug spray, toothbrushes etc.


What about my child’s laundry?

Your child will need to bring a mesh laundry bag with them to camp. They will be required to put all dirty clothes in their bag each day and bring it to the laundry room every 2 days. Clothes will be washed and returned by the end of the day.

How can I contact my child?

We will setup a schedule for parents to video chat with their child once per week. We want your child to be somewhat independent while they are with us. Phones, computers and all other electronics are not permitted.

How much does the camp cost?

Camp tuition must be paid on WeChat or Alipay. A 20% deposit must be made upfront to hold your child’s spot. This allows us to make plans in advance, as it takes a long time to prepare everything. The remaining tuition must be made within 2 weeks of your child receiving their visa and purchasing their plane ticket. All tuition must be paid in full no later than 3 months before the first day of camp. These prices may change.

2-Week Session - $4700 USD or current Chinese RMB equivalent

Adult chaperone - $1450 USD or current Chinese RMB equivalent

What does the tuition fee cover?

The tuition fee covers everything outside of the visa fee, round trip flight and insurance. Once your child arrives in the US, everything is covered. This includes room and board, including meals at restaurants, transportation and entry fees/tickets.

How will my child get to the US and back to China?

Either Sandy or Dennis will fly out of China and accompany the child and the chaperone, as well as fly back with them at the end of camp.

What if my child has a special diet?

Let us know if your child has any dietary issues or restrictions. However, your child will be given American food and not given the chance to eat Chinese food at any time during their time at camp All food at our camp is Halal.

What will my child do in camp?

We will send you a daily schedule. But outside of classes, your child will visit zoos, museums, universities, and go on hiking, fishing trips as well as play a range of sports. But they will also have time nearly everyday to write in their journals and watch movies. Please click here for an example daily schedule - scroll to the bottom of the page.

Below are a few of the places we plan on visiting:

  • Cornell or Princeton university

  • Lehigh Valley Zoo

  • Washington DC

  • Beltzville State Park

  • Maunch Chunk State Park

  • Jim Thorpe

  • Lehigh Gorge Scenic Railway

Camp Rules


Your child must have been a student of ours for at least 6 months prior to attending camp. No exceptions.


Your child must know how to swim at least 25 meters on their own, without the use of any kind of flotation devices or goggles.


Anything not listed on our packing list is not allowed. This includes: electronic devices, cameras, toys, books, etc. We will take plenty of photos and send them back via WeChat, etc.


All campers must take a shower once per day, brush their teeth in the morning and evenings, and wear clean clothes every day. They must also keep their rooms clean and beds made after they wake up in the morning. There will be checks every morning to make sure everything is in order.


All campers must follow our sleep schedule. Most nights they must be in bed and asleep by 9pm and wake up around 7am. A good night’s rest is one of the most important things for the brain and learning. Your child will not be able to nap. If your child naps during the day, make sure that they stop napping at least a month prior to the start of camp.


Campers are not permitted to go outside alone. They must always be accompanied by Dennis or Sandy. This is for their own safety. Also, they must stay within 10 feet when we are out. They cannot run ahead or lag behind. We will assign travel buddies.


All campers must wear a seat belt the entire time they are in the car. Smaller campers must sit in a booster seat that we will provide. No exceptions. This is a very serious law in the US, and can result in a heavy fine and/or arrest.


Speak English! Your child will be required to speak only English the entire time they are in camp. If there is something they do not understand, we will explain.


Campers must behave at all times. Especially when we are out. They cannot run around and play in restaurants or yell/speak loudly. They must sit quietly at all times. We will teach American table manners as one of our classes. They must follow these rules whenever we are eating.


Campers must eat the food that is provided. We will do our best to make/select enjoyable meals. But they must finish the food that is given to them. We will also provide snacks between meals, such as fruit, crackers, nuts, etc. Dishes must be brought into the kitchen and placed into the sink after every meal. They will not be able to freely order whatever they want when we go out to eat. We will allow them to pick from a handful of options.


Tuition must be paid in full 6 months prior to the first day of camp. If your child cannot attend you must let us know immediately. A credit toward our next camp will be given or a partial refund based on the reason/days left before camp begins.


Campers may not bring anything with them that is not on the packing list. Phones, computers, toys etc are strictly prohibited. We will allow them to purchase a single souvenir during our travels. (Not toys, etc). This will be a t-shirt or some other similar item.

If your child breaks these rules it will result in the loss of privileges (left out of trips and activities). If they become a serious problem they will not be permitted to return to camp in the future.

Our Activities and Programs


  • English/ESL

  • History - World/US

  • Geography - World/US

  • American Culture

  • American Etiquette/Table Manners

  • Biology/Ecology


  • Football

  • Soccer

  • Baseball

  • Archery

  • Swimming

Outdoor Activities

  • Hiking

  • Fishing

  • Museum visits

  • Shopping

  • Wildlife observation