Contact Us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
(571) 406-4215

Packing List

Once you have registered for camp, we will send you a more details list with our suggestions and requirements. Remember you child cannot bring anything that is not listed here. We want their journey to be simple and easy.

  • 1 large backpack – airline carry-on size approved – under 56cm x 18cm x 25cm

  • 1 small backpack – about 35cm x 15cm x 18cm

  • 3 pairs of long pants – jeans

  • 3 pairs of shorts

  • 5 shirts - 3 t-shirts/2 polo styled shirts

  • 5 pairs of socks

  • 5 pairs of underwear

  • 1 pair of sunglasses

  • 1 pair of swim trunks

  • 1 pair of swim shoes

  • 1 pair of sneakers/exercise shoes (Nike/Adidas, etc)

  • 2 pair of sleep clothes

  • 1 clear plastic water bottle – 500-600 ml

  • 1 light jacket

  • 1 light sweater

  • Medication if needed

  • Small mesh laundry bag

  • 1 folder containing copies of all necessary documents

We will provide everything else that your child needs while they are at camp.

Daily Schedule Example

7:30AM - Wake up/make bed, get dressed.

8:00AM - Breakfast

9:00AM - Leave for the Lehigh Valley Zoo

9:30AM - Car Class - Biology/Zoology

10:00am - Arrive at the Leigh Valley Zoo/Tour Zoo

10:30AM - Snack

12:30 PM - Lunch at the zoo

1:00 PM - Continue tour of the zoo

2:00PM - Leave for home

2:30PM - Car class - Zoo discussion

3:00PM - Arrive home/snack

3:30-5:00pm - Watch a movie/relax

5:00PM - Football outside

6:00PM - Dinner

7:00PM - Reading

8:00PM - Journal writing

8:30PM - Prepare for bed/shower

9:00PM - Lights out

The schedule above is an example of what your child will be doing from the time they wake up until they go to bed. We will keep the first few days of camp light so that the campers can recover from jet lag. Generally they should adjust after the 3rd or 4th day.